Houghton Spa

Spa Voucher

Spa Voucher

Give the gift of serenity!

In search of the perfect gift for someone special?

Fantastic news! You can conveniently buy it online and have it sent directly to their email.

Upon receipt, they can effortlessly schedule their visit and redeem the gift card at our spa.

It’s a stress-free method to share some love!

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Send this voucher to a friend or to yourself!



  • This voucher is redeemable towards Houghton Spa treatments and packages only.
  • This Voucher is valid for 3 years from date of purchase
  • This Voucher is not transferrable and can only be used at Houghton Spa.
  • All Bookings are based on Availability and need to be booked directly via the spa.
  • Gift vouchers are available in any value, with a minimum purchase value for R100.
  • Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash, cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, or otherwise destroyed

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